9 Things Sponsors Really Want: How to be a Sponsor’s Dream

things sponsors really want

Last Updated on December 25, 2022 by Selina Parker

things sponsors really want

Sponsorships are a big deal. They provide marketing and promotional opportunities for businesses and give the event sponsors the chance to boost their brand awareness. They also offer financial support to their sponsee. Regardless of the sponsorship agreement, sponsors hope that they can generate leads or attract new customers in their target audience by getting their name out there.

Why do you need sponsorship for your business?

Event sponsorships provide marketing and promotional opportunities for businesses. They are a way to reach new customers, grow your brand, and increase sales. The support you can get from the main sponsor could be financial, products or services like promotional giveaways, access to the sponsor’s customer base and quality audiences, or media exposure.

What does sponsorship mean for businesses?

Sponsorship dollars are a company’s saying, “We want to help you succeed.” Sponsorship is a form of marketing where a business connects with another company to promote its product or service.

You can do event sponsorships and other high-profile events in several ways, such as brand visibility sponsorships, sports events, trade shows, and more.

When looking for an event sponsorship opportunity, it’s essential to know what the sponsor hopes to gain from the business relationships.

Instead of sending out emails asking for money and promising to include their logo anyplace and everywhere, you can think of media coverage, and featured ads, put together a comprehensive proposal that focuses on other beneficial factors to your sponsors.

What benefits do companies want from you?

things sponsors really want

Increase brand recognition

You may wonder what do sponsors get in return? The most common reason a company would sponsor a business, specific events, or a sports team is to build and increase brand awareness. They want people to become familiar with their product or service and will do anything they can to get that name out there.

There are many reasons why companies choose this as their marketing strategy – one of them being cost-effectiveness, unlike advertising. For example, in the case of TV advertisements, it can be costly to produce a high-quality ad that will air during prime time.

If a company can get its name out there through sponsorship instead, it’s a more cost-effective way to reach its target market.

Build a positive public perception

The best return you can provide is to demonstrate and leave positive messages of your sponsor’s generosity to the audience rather than your own. Other companies want to be perceived positively and look for opportunities their companies support causes they believe.

If you have a track record about how your business has helped other organizations and other companies share it with potential sponsors so that they can see the impact of their investment on people’s lives.

Access to more customers

Another benefit of sponsorship is access to the sponsee’s customer base. If the sponsee is a business that caters to a specific demographic, such as young adults or mothers, the sponsor can gain access to this group by working with the sponsee.

It also goes for companies that have a large customer base. Sponsoring another company gives the sponsor access to all of these customers and allows them to tap into that market.

Relevant recognition and connection

An event sponsor wants to be associated with successful and relevant companies. If you can provide the sponsor with the recognition pertinent to their business, they will be more likely to work with you.

If your startup has the potential to be the next big thing, a sponsor will want to be associated with you. They can ride your coattails to success and share some of that glory for themselves.

Return on investment

Sponsorship is business and, as such, should be viewed as an investment. When a company sponsors another business, they expect to see a return on that investment.

It could come in the form of increased sales or brand awareness, but the sponsee must be able to provide this information. Without concrete evidence that the sponsorship is working, the sponsor may not be interested in continuing the relationship.

Generate more leads

Emotional ties have a significant role in brand loyalty. Sponsors may acquire visibility to potential clients and highlight the human aspect of their firm by sponsoring events.

When a representative from the sponsor’s firm attends your event, they can collect vital information about clients, create a mailing list, and advertise their products.

If you can provide the sponsor with a list of leads relevant to their business, they will be more likely to continue working with you. Be sure to highlight this in your proposal and explain how you plan on generating these leads.

Gather valuable insights

A sponsor can learn a lot of valuable audience insights, especially if the sponsee is in a related industry. Sponsors often see sponsorship as an opportunity to gain valuable insights into the competition, learn what new trends are happening in the market, unique selling propositions, and strategies used by their competitors, which are all essential for their business to stay ahead of the curve.

Come up with creative ideas

Sponsors are always looking for new and innovative ways to market their products and services. If your event or startup has the potential to provide the sponsor with new and creative ideas, you have a high chance of getting a sponsorship. Be prepared to share these ideas with the sponsor and explain how you plan on implementing them.

Gain competitive advantage

Sponsors of an event automatically have a competitive advantage over their absent direct competitors, which is essential for their business.

If you can provide the sponsor with an exclusive event, they will be more likely to work with you. It will give them a competitive edge over their competitors and help them stand out in the market.

Final Words

There are numerous benefits why a company will sponsor an event. They need you as much as you need them, so make that to your advantage and position your company in the most favorable light. You can get multiple sponsors but make sure they are non-competing businesses to avoid conflict.



Selina Parker

“What began as a life and career coaching services company to aide entrepreneurs through the early-stage challenges and tough transformations of starting a social venture has evolved over the years to include mergers and acquisitions, organizational consulting, and business growth advisory services to mission-driven organizations that strive to improve access to basic physiological, safety, and security needs while increasing their profit margin. Clients include founders and organizations with the purpose of addressing deficiencies in delivering quality healthcare and mental health services, sufficient employment, access to clean water and air, safe shelter, adequate food, and more.”

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